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时间:2015-04-23 来源:互联网 作者:



  那不勒斯菲里德里克二大全称那不勒斯菲里德里克第二大学Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II也有人叫University of Naples Federico II,University of Naples - Federico II,Università degli Studi di NAPOLI “Federico II”,那不勒斯费德里克二世大学,成立于1224,是一所规模巨大(30000人以上)的公立研究型综合大学

  The University of Naples Federico II (Italian: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) is a university located in Naples, Italy. It was founded in 1224 and is organized into 13 faculties. It is the world's oldest state university and one of the oldest academic institutions in continuous operation. The university is named after its founder Frederick II.  The University of Naples Federico II was founded by emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Frederick II on 5 June 1224. It is one of the most ancient institutions of higher education and research in the world. One of the most famous studens of this university one Roman Catholic theologian and philosopher Thomas Aquinas.


  那不勒斯菲里德里克第二大学位于意大利坎帕尼亚大区地区那不勒斯市。属于地中海气候, 主要位于大陆西岸,如地中海沿岸,南北美纬度30~40°之间的大陆西岸,澳大利亚大陆和非洲大陆西南角等地。 亚热带地中海气候的特点是:夏季炎热干燥、冬季温和多雨,是十三种气候类型中唯一一种雨热不同期的气候类型。冬季受西风带控制,锋面气旋频繁活动,气候温和,最冷月气温在4—10℃之间,降水量丰沛。夏季在副热带高压控制下,气流下沉,气候炎热干燥少雨,云量稀少,阳光充足。全年降水量300—1000毫米,冬季半年约占60%—70%,夏季半年只有30%—40%,冬季降水量多于夏季。 如果将地中海地区全年降水量制成条形统计图,就会发现它会形成一个盆状弧线。 学校地处城市。

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